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The ÇEKÜL Information and Documentation Centre
The Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of Environmental and Cultural Heritage (ÇEKÜL) was established in 1990 as a non-governmental organization in order to protect the natural and cultural heritage of Turkey. ÇEKÜL approaches “natural resources”, “cultural heritage” and “humanity” holistically, developing projects on the scales of neighborhood -city-basin-region-country in order to build nation-wide awareness of and a network for the restoration and preservation of the urban and rural, built and natural environments.
In line with this purpose, the ÇEKÜL Information and Documentation Centre was created within the scope of ÇEKÜL’s Anatolian Research Center. It has become one of the leading reference centers in the field of environmental and cultural studies, offering expert archival, library, research, education and publication services in the areas of Turkey’s natural, historical, architectural and cultural histories. The ÇEKÜL Information and Documentation Center contains nearly 45,500 archived materials and is organized into four sections: the Çekül Foundation Collection; the Respect to Sinan Library; the Urban Archive; and the Private Archive of Prof. Dr. Metin Sözen.
Working Hours: Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 10.30-16.30
Contact: arsiv@cekulvakfi.org.tr / 0212- 249 64 64