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Koç University Digital Collections
Digital Collections portal is a recent initiative of Koç University Suna Kıraç Library. Thousands of images, complete set of University’s theses and dissertations and yearbooks from the Library collection are now available online from a single interface.
Digital Collections aim at providing access to materials that demonstrate KU research, scholarship and history.
All materials are protected by copyright and generally for non-commercial educational use. Theses, Dissertations, and Institutional Repository are restricted to campus access only. The collections include:
Koç University Manuscript Collection; Josephine Powell Slide Collection; KU Theses and Dissertations; Koç University Institutional Repository; Koç University Kaleidoscope Collection; Hatice Gonnet-Bağana, Hittite Collection; VEKAM Locloud Collection; İstanbul’un Sesleri – The Soundscape of Istanbul; Ankara Harita ve Plan Arşivi – Ankara Map and Plan Collection; Ankara Bağ Evi Koleksiyonu – Ankara Vineyard House Collection; Ankara Fotoğraf ve Kartpostal Arşivi – Ankara Photograph, Postcard and Engraving; Sounds of The Rahmi M. Koç Museum – Echoes of Industrial Legacy; Ankara Taşınmaz Kültür Varlıkları – Ankara Immovable Cultural Property; Vehbi Koç Gazete Kupürleri Koleksiyonu – Vehbi Koç Press Clippings Collection; Ulla Johansen Anatolian Ethnology Collection.

Records and sources at Salt Research focus on artistic production post 1960, the built environment, design, urbanism, and the economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. Museum standard physical archives are located at Salt Galata. Documents are preserved in light, temperature and humidity controlled archive spaces. Most of the collections are digitally available online. The collections include:
Art Archives; Ottoman Bank Archive; Archive of Architecture and Design; Italian Embassy Archives; Saint Pierre Archive; World Council of Churches Archive; The Archive of Crete; French Press in the Ottoman Empire; American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes (IFEA) Archive; Households and Family Papers; Sabiha Rüştü Bozcalı Archive; Miscellaneous.

Istanbul Research Institute Collections
The library of Istanbul Research Institute consists of the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Photography Collection and the Şevket Rado Manuscript Collection. The Ataturk and Republican Period Photography Collection contains over 100,000 photographs documenting the recent history of the Republic of Turkey until the 1960s. The Old Istanbul Photographs Collection is a wide selection of photographs by prominent photographers of the period or anonymous travelers documenting the history, architecture, and daily life of Istanbul going back to the 1850s. 130 sheets of the Jacques Pervititch insurance maps, 31 sheets of Suat Nirven insurance maps, 1083 sheets of music scores autographed by Cüneyd Orhon, and over 400 posters have also been digitized as part of the Photography Collection.
The Şevket Rado Manuscript Collection consists of more than 1000 digitized manuscripts. Along with manuscripts obtained from various sources over the years, these books constitute an essential collection regarding the history of Istanbul as well as the numerous cultures throughout the vast geographical region covered by the Ottoman Empire.

Swedish Research Institute Istanbul The Gunnar Jarring Collection
The Gunnar Jarring Collection of Central Eurasia publications consists of almost 5000 volumes – mostly printed books from the 19th·and 20th·centuries but also manuscripts, catalogues and maps as well as more than 3000 offprints, most of which were signed by their authors with dedication inscriptions to their colleague and friend, Ambassador or Professor Jarring. Besides the travelogues and related literature, linguistic treatises and dictionaries for a great number of languages can be found in the collection, as well as books on history, religion, literature and several other disciplines.
The Gunnar Jarring Central Eurasia Collection is part of a digitization project with initial funding from the Swedish foundation Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (2011–2014). This project is conducted in cooperation with the Sven Hedin Foundation at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and at a global level with the International Dunhuang Project (IDP) – a network for the coordination of databases for collections from the Eastern Silk Road. Rare and fragile manuscripts and printed matters as well as other objects, such as photos, maps and drawings in the Jarring Collection at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII) have been digitized for storage and presented on this website.

Arıt İstanbul Digital Library
You can access the Archives of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, as well as a number of their publications, journals, pamphlets, and ephemera, online.
ARIT is processing the Archives of American Board of Missions in collaboration with SALT Research in Beyoğlu. The archives are not physically accessible at present. A proportion of the documents appear in full text online through the ARIT Istanbul Digital Library at DLIR, and more through the host site at SALT Research. The project is ongoing and ARIT and SALT post new material at regular intervals.
To view the American Board Digital Library and Archives, please visit: https://aritweb.org/istanbul/istanbul-library/